Remember, when you were in you 10th standard and your mom buys two chocolates, one for you and the other for your 5th standard little brother or cousin, he finishes it in an instant, and demands a share in your chocolate. You are asked by your mom to share it with him as he is still a kid, and you’re a a grown up.
It all starts there… when you start living your life for somebody…
You go to college, you have exams. You help your friend to copy, and in the process you get caught. You accept that you were the culprit and you save him. Your friend bunks classes. You takes notes/xerox, for him also. You look at your family, you spend wisely, you see everyone around you enjoying, you think its not your time, you get an A grade in math and go home happy in a white board bus that supports the bus pass, your friend who gets an arrear just overtakes you in his own car, you follow all the rules in your college, your friend who gets suspended because be came in bike inside college is termed as cool, you seem to be conserved, you don’t like to indulge in everything in front of you, you avoid certain things, but the reason, god only knows, it’s the moment you start doing things for others, but not for you, then you feel nobody realizes that.
So, in the end what is left behind. You have a name in the family, among friends saying you’re a good guy, and the friend thanks you till the end. But your brother is now chilling out with his girl friend, and you help him convince your parents and your friend is now dancing in the bar enjoying his life to the fullest.
Its time only then you realize that you should have bunked classes – Taken the footboard – Spent massively – Got a girlfriend – Fallen in love – Failed in math – Got suspended – Laughed out loud – Cried like a child – Ate like a giant – Played like a fool – Danced like you were drunk – Got a bike – Taken long rides – Should have been selfish – Should have lived for yourself.
In the end – You have only one life, that is left to be lived, only by YOU, only for YOU and how to, is still left to YOU.
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In the End – Its your life